Intoxicated suspect has bail revoked

Cathrine Moemedi
ANGRY: Douglas had to be forcibly dragged away

A 31-year-old man of Shashe ward in Maun had his bail revoked on Tuesday morning after he turned up for court seemingly intoxicated.

Tshepo Douglas was appearing before Maun Magistrate Court for oral submission facing one count of office breaking and another for theft.

However, the matter came to a standstill as the apparently woozy man refused to cooperate and ended up delaying court proceedings.

Although it was not established what made him high, it is not the first time Douglas has turned up for court in a less-than-sober manner.

Describing this as a ‘delay tactic’, the state Prosecutor Paul Basupi requested Douglas be remanded in custody to sober him up.

“The other time he came intoxicated and we sent him back and set another date and here he is still in the same state. He is playing delay tactics with us” Basupi successfully argued.

After learning his bail had been revoked, an angry Douglas had to be forcibly dragged into the police car. Muttering furiously the whole time, he was whisked away to the holding cells, where he will be held until his next court appearance, set for November 14.

According to the police charge sheet, Douglas and his co accused, Otshepo Masheto, acting together and unlawfully, broke into Kharoe Investment on 20 June 2017 and stole items valued at P18, 685.

The pinched property included a desktop computer valued at P8,000, an Acer laptop worth P1,000 and clothing materials which were stocked for sale valued at P9,685.

Masheto had since pleaded guilty and is serving sentence for the offence.

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