2020 parties’ resolutions

Daniel Chida
Dithapelo Keorapetse

Political parties, like individuals are taking the opportunity to set New Year’s resolutions.

The Voice Staffer, DANIEL CHIDA spoke to some party officials to get their plans for the year ahead. Other parties however did not share their plans.

Dithapelo Keorapetse- Botswana Congress Party Spokesperson.

We hope that this year the question of the illegitimate government which, stole the election, will be resolved for good.

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Our democracy is under threat and this year we encourage Batswana to stand up and defend their right to choose a government of their choice through universal adult suffrage under the principle of one-man one vote.

This year, the illegitimate government must be fought within the confines of the law, and all undemocratic laws must be repealed or be defied.

We hope that this year Batswana will be employed in more numbers, graduate from poverty and gain control of their economy including the means of production such as capital and land.

There is no reason why this year should not be a year of prosperity for our people.

It is all in their hands, they can determine their fate and destiny.

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Justin Hunyepa- Publicity Secretary for Botswana National Front

Justin Hunyepa

The BNF resolutions and programme continue from last year conference resolutions that were passed at Ba Isago University in Gaborone.

In the New Year the BNF will continue with its allies to challenge last year general election massive rigging and fraud; building structures and strengthening them; political education; strengthening networks and alliances; recruiting and increasing party membership; as well as raising funds for party activities.

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We will be mobilizing our members on national issues like independence of oversight institutions, fight against corruption, respect for workers and their labour rights, provision of quality health care and quality education.

The programme will continue until a new leadership is elected sometime this year where the congress will give the new leadership resolutions and assignments to be carried out up to 2023 when the next congress is held.

One of the major successes from the previous year was unity of opposition parties going into the 2019 general elections. Our President, Duma Boko is on track to ultimately unite all opposition parties.

The BNF membership has also grown tremendously since Boko took party leadership in 2010.

Phenyo Butale- Secretary General of Alliance for Progressives.

Phenyo Butale

At AP our main objective this year will focus on building their party structures across the country ahead of the party’s youth league, women’s league and central committee congresses.

We are going to hold those congresses at date to be announced but before doing that we need functional structures across the country.

Biggie Butale- Botswana Patriotic Front President

Biggie Butale

This year our aim is to add to the voices of those who want the improvement of the life of the rural lot and downtrodden. We are also aiming at playing a meaningful role as a minority party in parliament.

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