Change is brewing in Botswana – analyst

Daniel Chida
SCEPTICAL: Prof. Marobela

President Mokgweetsi Masisi is likely to make history by becoming the first president of Botswana to serve a single term, Professor Motsumi Marobela has said.

Speaking in an interview, the University of Botswana lecturer who is also a political analyst said that Masisi has utterly failed Batswana and his time and term as a politician was precarious.
“Like in Zambia, change is brewing here, modaefoko o a nkga.” Marobela said.

He explained that when Masisi ascended to power it was on the basis of promises and hope but he has since failed to deliver on many of his promises.

“Many of his promises such as creation of jobs, inclusive governance and fighting corruption remain unfulfilled,” the political analyst noted, adding that when all hyped corruption cases crumbled, albeit against higher costs to the government and taxpayers, it all became clear that there is a leadership deficit in President Masisi. Marobela cited the failure by government to procure vaccines for the nation well on time as an indictment on Masisi’s presidency.

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“When people expected him to focus on their immediate challenge and needs by buying vaccines to save lives, instead the President went on a public relations stunt on CNN, telling the whole world that we have enough vaccines for the adults and also spent critical time travelling around, visiting his President friends, campaigning for Elias Magosi for Secretariat position. When people are still crying from losing their loved ones, he is celebrating the appointment of his friend but that’s a hollow victory because the time and money he spent selling one man, he could have used it to avert the agony and deaths of thousands from Covid 19,” said Marobela.

“It is understandable why Masisi is often attacked by people on social media because many are struggling to survive as they live in fear in the shadow of Covid deaths that are rising unabated,” Marobela noted in conclusion.

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