Following daddy to jail

Portia Mlilo
ARRESTED: Mahommed Sadiq Tajbhai

Suspected drug lord’s son caught with cocaine-like substance

The son of Tajbhai Muinuddin, a suspected drug dealer arrested and detained in Kasane three weeks ago, is being investigated for alleged drug possession.

28-year-old Mahommed Tajbhai was apprehended on Monday, following threat-to-kill allegations leveled against him by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of an upmarket Mall in Gaborone.

However, events took a twist during Brodhurst Police’s initial investigation into the threat-to-kill claims.

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After officers arrived at Tajbhai’s house in Gaborone’s Extension 10 location, a prompt search of the premises unearthed a powdery substance suspected to be cocaine.

Currently (as of Wednesday evening) sweating in a police holding cell, Tajbhai has been slapped with two charges of unlawful possession of drugs and intimidation.

Although the cops are reluctant to go into detail, it is rumoured there could be more to the incident than meets the eye.

Confirming Tajbhai’s arrest, Broadhurst Station Commander, Superintendent Obusitswe Lokae revealed investigations were ongoing.

The top cop told The Voice that as soon as they are done, the matter would be registered before court.

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“It is true we received a report of threat-to-kill and intimidation from the CEO. The police went to arrest the suspect and they had information that he was a drug dealer. Indeed, during his arrest they found a powder suspected to be drugs. The substance has since been sent to the laboratory to establish what exactly it is,” explained Lokae.

The police boss further revealed the two men – Tajbhai and the CEO – had falsely claimed not to know each other.

“Messages in one of the two men’s phones have indicated that they know each other,” said Lokae, adding police were yet to engage network providers to help in retrieving previous messages on Tajbhai’s phone.

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The worried Police Chief noted drug cases were becoming increasingly worrisome in his policing area.

He disclosed that during a stop-and-search operation on Tuesday, his officers arrested two men caught in possession of dagga.

Meanwhile, Kasane police have revealed Muinuddin was found in possession of an array of suspected drugs, including: dagga, cocaine, mandrax and cat.

Acing on a tip-off, Police swooped on the alleged drug lord at one of the tourist town’s four-star hotels.

The 53-year-old is also wanted for questioning by Gaborone Central Police, who issued a warrant of arrest against Muinuddin for allegedly assaulting his wife.

However, he was nabbed by Kasane’s cops before Gaborone’s boys in blue could get him.

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