Francistown arts meeting a success

LIVING ART: Art lovers pictured at Civic Centre

Francistown Arts Meeting (FAM) first annual edition has been hailed a success after attracting an impressive 30 exhibitors including veteran artists such as Wilson Nguni, Obed Mokhuhlani, Joseph Lukwago and Loretta Mekgwe.

Over 120 brilliant artworks were displayed at Francistown Civic Centre and Kenneth Nkhwa Interchange, commonly known as the Spaghetti road.

The meeting was held under the theme: Embracing creative thinking.

The three-day exhibition was an eye opener for art fanatics who had a rare chance to interact with some of the best in the trade to further deepen their level of understanding on visual arts.

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In addition the exhibition was also meant to expose artists’ work ranging from drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and string art.

One of the guest exhibitors Loretta Mekgwe hailed FAM organizers for a job well done.

The former radio presenter said she enjoyed every second of the meeting because it gave both young and seasoned artists the opportunity to interact, exchange ideas, inspire each other as well as create new wonderful work relationships.

“As artists we know the creative process can be plagued by fear often so paralyzing and it makes it hard to actually create. Admit it, because this has happened to you. Sometimes it’s because of challenges like money, family issues, work to only mention but a few,”she said.

Francistown arts meeting a success
EXQUISITE: Mola.Art by Loretta Mekgwe

Mekgwe lamented that anxiety and fear has taken a lot of creatives down.

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“I often take time out alone to allow my creative juices to flow. Paint and create everyday like Wilson Ngoni and this is what I learnt during this meeting,”she said.

She further reminded artists that they have a responsibility to educate the public about their trade and also to work hard and tap into the international market by exhibiting their arts works in larger galleries outside Botswana.

FAM Coordinator Keoagile Bonang promised a bigger and better event in 2020.

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The event was a beneficiary of the Mascom Batanani Walk in partnership with Diacore Marathon with a sum of P76, 000,00.

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