Limkokwing University industry ready graduates lauded

Portia Mlilo

Assistant Minister of Education and Skills Development Aubrey Lesaso says Limkokwing University is producing industry ready graduates who continue to create, lead and even grow their own firms to design their future.

The Assistant Minister said this when addressing the Limkokwing class of 2022 graduates last Friday in Gaborone.

Lesaso noted that many of the graduates of Limkokwing have led a revolution in the transformation of the media and other industries, with some setting up their own media houses, including in the non-traditional mediums. He went on to say the institution has imparted the graduates with entrepreneurial skills, which they should use to create jobs and employ others.

“The graduation theme ‘Designing the Future’ recognises that you have been granted the skills, techniques and knowledge with which to control your personal and career prospects to your own advantage. Over the duration of your study the university has prepared you to be able to tackle current challenges in the economy, and this requires innovation, creativity, techno savviness, entrepreneurial skills and a proactive mindset. You can transform the country to high income status which is anchored around transformation from a resource-based to a knowledge-based economy,”said Lesaso

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For his part Limkokwing Vice Chancellor Dr Raphael Dingalo said there are very few job openings and therefore graduates must become job creators and innovators of note coming up with new products and services thus creating value.

Limkokwing University industry ready graduates lauded
MAKE THEIR MARKS: Limkokwing class of 2022 graduates

One of the Special Needs graduates, Keonyatse Magoring who studied Bachelors of Arts in Broadcasting and Journalism said the institution has instilled in them a great potential to change the world and design their futures. She said Limkokwing offers industry relevant courses with an impressive track record of graduate success and the highest adoption rates in the job market, including those living with disabilities.

“The institution has a fully-fledged Special Needs Department which is fully equipped with relevant specialised equipment which provide a conducive learning environment that has enabled us as students to learn effectively despite our disabilities. I count myself fortunate to be amongst many students who were awarded the Tan Sri Limkokwing Foundation for Excellence Scholarship through the Office of the President,” said Magoring

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